The Incipiency

Its incipiency[1], still a conundrum[2].
I hope this rune[3] won’t be humdrum[4].
The early evolution began with the Big Bang[5],
Which is what they say in harangues[6].
It started as a Planck – a dense singularity[7].
What happened before, no familiarity.
But with scientific advancements and technical fixtures,
We’re hopefully progressing towards a clearer picture.
They call it the inflation- a burst of expansion.
Deuterium within the first few minutes of formation.
Prolonged cooling paved way for recombination[8],
Followed by darkness, not a child’s fascination.
Then the advent of re-ionization[9].
Voilà, the first stars in advocation.
The effect of gravity gaining prominence,
And after countless millennia, began the sapiens’ dominance.
While we live in an exquisite and ethereal world.
The mysteries that surround us are yet to be unfurled.
The hunt still goes on, will it be CDT[10], E8[11], or the String[12],
That would give wings to the Theory Of Everything[13].
-Rita Abani
Glossary and References:
Glossary and References:
1. Incipiency: origination, being brought into
2. conundrum: an intricate problem/mystery
3. rune : Poem (in finnish)
4. humdrum: boringly monotonous
5. Big Bang: The Universe: Big Bang to Now
6. harangues : here it denotes the public perception(what's thought and widely
7. singularity: a location in spacetime where the
density and gravitational field of a
celestial body is predicted to
become infinite. Considered as
the earliest state of the universe during
the Big Bang.
8. recombination: In cosmology, recombination
refers to the epoch at which
charged electrons and protons
first became bound to form
electrically neutral hydrogen
9. re-ionization: re-ionization is the process that
caused the matter in the
universe to reionize after the
lapse of the "dark ages.”
10. CDT: Causal dynamical triangulation | Wikipedia
11. E8:An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything | Wikipedia
12. String Theory: String Theory | Space
13. Theory of Everything: It is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that thoroughly explains and links all physical aspects of the universe together