Science News | May Magazine

  1. 1. Perseverance creates oxygen on Mars.

Moxie, the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, can strip oxygen atoms from CO₂ molecules.

“Moxie isn’t just the first instrument to produce oxygen on another world; it’s the first technology of its kind that will help future missions live off the land,”

-Trudy Kortes, Director of technology demonstrations in Nasa’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.

Intrigued? Read further here

  1. 2. Whitest paint on earth

It Could Block the Sun, Cool Earth, eliminating the need for Air conditioners!

Scientists have created the whitest shade on Earth—which reflects 98.1% of light. The paint is primarily made of barium sulfate, a compound used in cosmetics and ultra white paper products. What’s more? It helps fight climate change!

Read Further to know how.

  1. 3. The Brain ‘Rotates’ Memories

Some populations of neurons simultaneously process sensations and memories.

A paper published in Nature | Neuroscience explains how the brain encodes for both sensations and memories efficiently. The researchers have shown that the brain mitigates interference of current and past stimuli(their representations) by rotating sensory representations into orthogonal memory representations over time. Read further here.

  1. 4. The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Created the Amazon Rain Forest

Fossilized pollen and leaves reveal that the meteorite that caused the extinction of nonavian dinosaurs also reshaped South America’s plant communities to yield the planet’s largest rain forest.

Read here

  1. 5. The Chip working on Light

Through the combination of electronics, photonics, and new algorithms, Lightmatter, an MIT incubated startup, has built a next-generation computing platform for artificial intelligence.

Unlike conventional computer chips, these consume lesser power and yet are more efficient. On the flip side, they do have their limitations.

Read about them here.


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